firefighter nozzle use

Nozzle Air Entrainment Round 3 - Video Series


This is the third round of videos in our Nozzle Air Entrainment Video Series. In this round of test videos we will look at interior ventilated attacks with both the fog nozzle and the smoothbore nozzle. If you haven't seen the first or second round of tests you can view them by clicking here: First Round, Second Round

TEST 5 - Fog Nozzle Ventilated Attack

TEST 6 - Smoothbore Nozzle Ventilated Attack

Thank you for watching. Keep an eye out for the next video in this series which will recap all the test and review the nozzle types and attack methods. We will also include some thermal imaging footage during some test burns. If you would like to view the entire playlist on YouTube you can view it below:

The Entire Nozzle Air Entrainment Playlist: