It's that time of year and we have released our Top 10 Christmas Gifts for Firefighters. Below you will see several different products and links to find each.
#10 - Firefighter Apparel
This is not the cringe while you look at cheesy firefighter apparel gift. I personally own apparel from the three brands below and recommend all of them as gifts. Each one produces apparel with higher end materials and you can tell by the feel and fit. My personal preference is any shirt with the 50/50 blend, very comfortable.
Engine Company Apparel, American Fire Apparel and Hook and Irons Clothing

#9 - FD Leatherworks
Any custom products from FD Leatherworks will be sure to please. They offer a wide range of products in several price ranges to choose from: Chinstraps, Belts, Radio Straps, etc. If you are unable to get the order in on time just make it a gift certificate.
#8 - Black Smoke Shields
A custom leather front from Black Smoke Shields makes a great gift. This gift seems to work better if given as a "gift certificate". That will allow the firefighter to choose their own custom style.
#8 - The Rescue Wedge
The Rescue Wedge is a great personal tool for a firefighter. Great for one man forcible entry operations and works really well on heavy commercial doors. The wedge is made of aluminum and features the "Frederick Notch" made famous by Andy Fredericks.
#7 - Glove Crafters Fire Armor Gloves
Gloves make great gifts. There are many different brands but I tend to lean toward the Glove Crafters Fire Armor Glove. The gloves are made in Arkansas and are very well made. They are a great blend of dexterity and durability.
#6 - Frame a Picture
I never really looked at the importance of these small personal gifts until I had several years in the fire service. Every firefighter shares a common bond and pride in what we do is at the top of the list. Having a framed picture to show your kids or grandkids in the future will be invaluable. As the son of a professional photographer I have learned to stay away from "action" shots and look for personal shots. Pictures that show firefighters being firefighters or pictures with friends who share the job.
#5 - Majestic Fire Apparel Hood
Majestic Fire Apparel manufactures really good hoods and they have a massive selection. With the introduction of their new Moisture Membrane Hoods I would look at the MM2. I would also choose a good C6 fabric hood in the PAC II design. Lastly, you may be interested in the SVZ (Strategic Vent Zone) Hoods. You will want to check out their website to see all the available options:
#4 - Firefighter Tools
These can become a little pricey but you get what you pay for. I highly recommend these three tools as the go to tools for forcible entry and truck work: The Pig, Fire Hooks Unlimited Maxximus Rex Halligan, and the Iron Fox Axe. If you are interested in purchasing tools I encourage you to go to Search and Destroy Tools and Equipment or First In Last Out Fire and Safety Equipment.
#3 - NFFF Brick
If you have ever been to the National Fire Academy you have seen the Walk of Honor. The park features a brick Walk of Honor® that connects the monument, the historic Fallen Firefighters Memorial Chapel, and memorial plazas. Each brick on the walkway bears a personal inscription. Proceeds from the sale of these bricks help to finance construction of the Memorial Park. You can find the link to the bricks by Clicking Here.
#2 - Fire Cam
I have owned a Fire Cam product for several years and just recently received the new Fire Cam 1080 WIFI. Fire Cam makes great products and also brings even better customer service with each purchase. I would check out the 1080 Wifi edition if you are looking for a helmet cam.
#1 - A Trip to FDIC
For those of you that have attended FDIC before you know how valuable the training and experience will be. FDIC is a must attend event on the bucket list for any firefighter. You will be surrounded by thousands of brothers who are truly passionate about the fire service and will have days of new products to check out. The classes are delivered by the best in the world and you will go home with the batteries charged to get back to work.
We also carry a few items in our online store you might enjoy. Every purchase helps us fund our mission of providing free training resources to firefighters across the United States. You can check out our store by Clicking Here.